Throughout 2019 four photographers captured photo essays around the world of places experiencing extreme warming. The photo editors wanted to display these photos as a visual experience in the “2C: Beyond the limit” climate series. As I looked at these photos and reviewed our recent coverage of climate change, it was apparent that the media views climate change as an impact on places (Australia is on fire, Rhode Island’s coast is warming, Alaska’s ice is melting, etc.) whereas these photos told the story of the impact on people. Thus began my design concept of a page design that starts the reader in a space-like environment and that morphs to focus in on one girl and the struggle she already faces at such a young age.

Using three.js, I created a topper that rearranged as the reader scrolled down the page. Each dot represents a pixel of the final photo, morphing together to reveal an image of Aaliyah from Alaska.

This visual narrative shares the stories of people the photographers met, struggling against the climate crisis now.